267 Steam
to the
The value of this CV sets the
distance between the
exhaust beats and is rele-
vant to the type of locomoti-
ve. Should the steam
exhaust beat of your loco
not be exactly synchroni sed
even though set at the
maximum effect by the fac-
tory, it can be corrected
here. Higher values give hig-
her pauses and vice-versa.
287 Brakesound
to the
The greater the value, the
earlier the brakesound is
started while braking.
Adjustment range 0 - 255
- Braking
For use of trackpolarity
dependent DC braking sec-
tions, CV29, Bit 2=0 and
CV124, Bit 5=1 must be set!
For polarity independent DC
braking („Märklin**-braking
sections“), CV29 Bit 2=0
and CV124, Bit 5=1 and
additional CV112, Bit 6=1
must be set!
6. Modifications of the CV-Values with
Märklin** control units
The Märklin**- Central Control Unit 6021 and the Märklin**-
Mobile Station have a special setting:
Because they do not conform to the NMRA standard DCC,
they cannot be used to change any of the CV’s conforming to
this standard. Anyhow, owners of the Märklin** control units
are still able to change the most important CV’s.
Programming with Märklin**- Central
Control Unit 6021:
Before starting, make sure the loco has halted complete and
the control knob is positioned at “0“. It is also important that
you remove all other locos from the track where the pro-
gramming shall take place.
Activate programming mode:
1. Select address of the loco which shall be programmed
2. Press „STOP“-button at the central unit and wait some
3. Operate the directional reverse on the controller (turn the
controller knob to the left, past the stop until a click is
heard), keep the controller knob in this position)
4. Press „START“-button at the central unit
5. Release controller knob
The Sound decoder is now in the programming mode and the
front light flashes one time per second.
Two operating modes are now available for programming:
1. Short mode: Only the CV‘s 1-79 and the value range 0-79 are
2. Long mode: The CV‘s and values to be entered are divided and
typed in in two steps each (CV-range 1-799, value range 0-255).
When entering the programming mode, always the short mode is
activ. To change the mode to long mode, CV80 must be program-
med to value 80 (input address 80 and operate two times the
directional reverse with the controller knob)