StarLink Tutorials
Navigating the
StarLink Control
The StarLink application displays a main control window that allows the user to change
parameter settings and get status information from the camera being controlled. It is
helpful to the user to understand basic navigation within the control window.
The application is designed for three distinct modes of operation:
• controlling a camera to be used as the primary imager.
• controlling a camera to be used as an auto-guider.
• processing captured images.
Main Operation view tabs
Sub-operation view tabs
This is the window where you will control most of all the operations of the starfish cam-
era. It has a set of tabbed views at the top of the window that correspond to the three
modes of operation. The following three modes are presently defined:
Operation Tabs:
- tabbing to this view will allow you to operate the Starfish camera as a
telescope mount guide camera.
- tabbing to this view will allow you to use the Starfish camera as a pri-
mary imaging camera.
- tabbing to this view will allow you to manipulate images you previ-
ously captured with the Starfish camera. This function is not yet implemented in
the current version of this program.
fishcamp engineering
Guide Camera