Generator Failure
Seite/Page 100 Panda 8000-42NE PVMV-N.R01 - Kapitel/Chapter 8: Generator Failure
Fig. 8.5.2-1: upper speed limitation
1. Adjusting nut for upper speed limitation
2. Adjusting nut for lower speed limitation
If the adjustment is finished the plug of the actuator must be re-connect for operation.
Re-connect the connections if the electrical supply lines in the AC-control box were also be disconnected.
8.5.3 Lubrication of the spiral thread spindle (not ND models)
The spiral thread spindle must be lubricated carefully and regularly. Please only use a temperatur independence lub-
ricant (up to 100°C) witch is also equiped with "em ergency run qualities". Spread also lubricant to the end of the
It is possible that the spindle could clamp if the spindle is not enough lubricated. Then the generator can be switched
off by over- or undervoltage.
All screws at the actuator and the spindle must be ensured "solveable" with a screw safety grease.
Fig. 8.5.3-1: Actuator
1. Speed actuator
2. Spiral thread spindle
8.5.4 Effects of a overload to the actuator(not ND models)
If the generator is overloaded the voltage falls on account of a not adequate motor power under the nominal value.
The actuator stays at the upper keystroke and tries to rev up the diesel engine. An internal regulation limits the cur-