Central Station Communications
Transmittal Priorities
DACT-UD PN 51899:B1 1/25/05
4.1 Transmittal Priorities
The DACT-UD transmits highest priority events first. Events, in terms of priority, are listed below
in descending order:
1. Alarms (highest priority level)
Pull stations
Smoke detector
Other alarm types
2. Supervisory Zone
3. System Troubles
Zone disabled
Fire drill
AC fail (after delay)
Zonal faults
Earth fault
Low battery/no battery
Telephone line fault
Notification Appliance Circuits fault
Communication trouble
Annunciator trouble
System off normal
4. Restoral Reports
Zone alarm
Zone(s) enabled
Fire drill
Zone fault
Telephone line
Notification Appliance Circuits
Annunciator trouble
System off normal
5. 24 Hour Test (lowest priority)
Red LEDs are provided on the DACT-UD circuit board to identify which telephone line is acti-
vated. Also, a green LED labeled 'kissoff' will turn on whenever the DACT-UD has successfully
transmitted reports to the Central Station. The 'kissoff' LED may turn on several times during com-
munications with a Central Station.