PA-2007 Mainboard Manual
Security Option
Allows you to set the security level of the system.
The options are: Setup (Default), System.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
When enabled, allows you install an enhanced graphics adapter card. If your
graphics adapter card does not support the Pallete Snoop function, please set
at Disable to avoid system malfunctions.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled (Default).
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
If your operating system (OS) is OS2, select the option OS2; otherwise, stay
with the default setting Non-OS2.
The options are: Non-OS2 (Default), OS2.
Video BIOS Shadow
When enabled, allows the BIOS to copy the video ROM code of the add-on
video card to the system memory for faster access.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
C8000-CBFFF to DC000-DFFFF Shadow
When enabled, allows the BIOS to copy the BIOS ROM code of the add-on
card to system memory for faster access. It may improve the performance of
the add-on card. Some add-on cards will not function properly if its BIOS
ROM code is shadowed. To use these options correctly, you need to know
the memory address range used by the BIOS ROM of each add-on card.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled (Default).