© Ferno Washington Italia Rel.170915 ITA.
Titan T Basket stretcher and Tirol Kit
An unassisted patient is at the risk of injury. Never
leave the patient alone and always assist the patient
during use of the device.
Use of the device in a vertical
Rescue operations in a vertical environment or that
involve rope manoeuvres may require the use of different
combinations of ropes, brake systems, winches, pulleys,
harnesses, carabiners and other specialist devices. The
professional and safe use of this equipment requires specific
vocational training and proper instruction.
When using equipment of this type, check that its allowable
load is at least equal to that of the stretcher.
During rescue operations in a vertical environment, the
stretcher can be held horizontally, vertically or in other
positions. Secure the patient on the stretcher so that the
patient cannot slip in any direction or fall off the stretcher.
StratLoad® attachment points
The stretcher has several attachment points (4) for fixing
hooks or ropes. This stretcher is also available with the
optional patented StratLoad® connection system, which has
four attachment points for fixing the harness for vertical
A patient who is not secured or is poorly secured
to the stretcher may fall off and sustain injuries.
Always secure the patient to the stretcher with a set
of straps suited to the situation.
StratLoad suspension rings
Use only litter bridles by Ferno Washington Italia
Assembly of the stretcher (Figure 1)
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