© Ferno Washington Italia Rel.170915 ITA.
Titan T Basket stretcher and Tirol Kit
Loading the stretcher
Loading of the stretcher requires a minimum of two
operators. Assistants may be useful or necessary in many
situations. Use an even number of assistants and position
them in such a way as to keep the stretcher as horizontal
as possible. The qualified operators should, however, always
remain in control of the stretcher and provide instructions
to the assistants.
Sliding the stretcher
It is possible to slide the stretcher on soft surfaces. Avoid
rocks, logs, branches, debris, scrap materials, etc. that could
tear the mesh or cause discomfort or injury to the patient.
Carrying the Titan-Ti basket stretcher
on a trolley or on a stretcher with
Use the straps or the automatic couplings of the systems to
secure the Titan-Ti basket stretcher
Control of the stretcher
Make sure that the personnel checks the following:
• All the components are present
• The welds do not bear signs of cracks, fractures or other
signs of breaking
• The tubular structure of the stretcher is not dented, cracked
or bent
• The Durathene mesh is not ripped or torn and is securely
attached to the structure
• The yellow back support is securely fixed to the structure
• The safety warning labels are perfectly visible and legible
• The fabric belt is in good condition, with no cuts or signs
of excessive wear
• The buckles of the straps do not bear any obvious signs of
damage and work properly
Make sure that all the restraint and securing systems
(straps) of the device are closed when the patient is
seated. If they are open, close them before sitting
down the patient.
Use of the stretcher in a "safe"
The operators must lift and carry the stretcher, accepting any
assistance to help them avoid obstacles or difficult terrain.
Before lifting the stretcher, make sure that the patient
is properly secured with the straps. Resort to additional
straps and assistance if necessary.
Ferno recommends that the two operators take
opposite sides, with one in front of the other, when
carrying the stretcher up and down stairs, and that a
third trained operator assists the one at the head of the
stretcher. Follow the local protocols for transport. Seek
additional assistance if necessary (see the section on
Additional assistance).
Both operators:
must hold the top tube of the stretcher
with the palms facing upwards.
: stand behind the operators and, if
necessary, guide them during transport.
:work together to lift and transport the
stretcher. The supervisor should place his hand on the
back of the operator and provide verbal directions.
Both operators:
After moving the stretcher, they
should put it down on the ground making sure that it
remains stable.
Attachment points
On certain terrain, it is advisable to use the attachment
points to ensure safe transfer of the stretcher.
Additional assistance
The stretcher must be handled by a minimum of two qualified
and trained operators. Ferno recommends that the operators
and assistants take opposite sides, with one in front of the
other, and that a third trained and qualified operator assists
during transfer of the stretcher.
The trained and skilled operators must maintain control
of the stretcher, and coordinate properly using visual and
verbal contact
Casual assistants can cause damage and/or physical harm
or injure themselves. Always maintain control of the
device and monitor and coordinate the assistants.