© Ferno Washington Italia Rel.170915 ITA.
Titan T Basket stretcher and Tirol Kit
© Copyright Ferno Washington Italia s.r.l.. All rights reserved.
To request additional free copies of the
instruction manual, please contact Ferno
Washington Italia's Customer Service.
Ferno Technical Support
Customer Service and Technical Support are important aspects
of each product by Ferno. Before you contact us, please write
down the serial number of the product and specify it in all written
communications. For all queries concerning technical support,
contact Ferno Washington Italia s.r.l. at:
Telephone (toll-free)
800 501 711
(+39) 0516861508
Ferno Customer Service
For assistance and further information, contact Ferno Washington
Italia s.r.l.'s Customer Service:
Ferno Washington Italia s.r.l., Via Benedetto Zallone 26
40066 - Pieve di Cento (BO) - ITALY
Telephone (toll-free)
800 501 711
(+39) 0516860028
(+39) 0516861508
Limitation of Liability
This manual contains general instructions on use and maintenance
of the product. The instructions do not cover all the possible
applications and operations. The user is solely responsible for
proper and safe use of the product. The safety information is
provided as a service to the user and ensures only the minimum
required level of safety to prevent injury to operators and patients.
Any other safety measure implemented by the user must comply
with local regulations. It is recommended to train staff in proper
use of the product before it is used for the first time. Retain this
manual for future reference. In case of change of ownership, make
sure that the manual remains with the product. Additional free
copies can be obtained from Ferno Washington Italia's Customer
Declaration of ownership
The information in this manual is the property of Ferno Washington
Italia s.r.l. - Via Benedetto Zallone 26, 40066 Pieve di Cento (BO).
All patent rights and rights relating to the design, construction,
reproduction, use and sale of any item covered in this manual are
confidential and the sole property of Ferno Washington Italy s.r.l.,
with the exception of rights expressly transferred to third parties or
not attributable to shares owned by the supplier. It is prohibited to
reproduce this manual, either in full or in part, without the prior
consent of Ferno Washington Italia s.r.l..
The products sold by Ferno are covered by a 24-month warranty
against manufacturing defects. Please refer to the Warranty section for
the full terms and conditions of warranty and liability.
Rescue procedures involving the use of ropes,
harnesses, bridles and other protective equipment
require special skills and can be potentially
Rescue personnel should not carry out these
procedures without the relevant training and