(Continued from previous page)
Timeout m = 3 (Timeout minutes) - The amount of time the unit will wait from the start of a call
to the completion of the call. If the call has not completed by then it will hang up.
Bt manual = 0 (Bevtrak manual mode) In the Manual mode (=1) the unit will schedule calls at
the call period after the call delay. In Auto (=0) the calls will be rescheduled by the server,
Call per m = 1440 (Bevtrak call period) - This the time between calls when in the manual mode.
1440 is one call per day
Call delay m = 1 (Call delay minutes) - The delay in minutes from when Bevtrak is enabled till
the first call.
CT: MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS - The next time the unit is scheduled to call the home server.
Display Modbus error = 1 - A value of 1 displays "MODBUS ERROR" when the modem sends
a bad "packet" of information due to static on the telephone line. A value of 0 does not show
a modbus error.
This does not mean the call was a failure, the unit will re-send the
A. In automatic mode (Bt manual = 0), the unit will place a call when it is scheduled. If the unit
finds the phone line is busy, it will hang up and wait the retry interval (Ret inv m) and then try to
place the call again. If the call does not finish within the timeout period (Timeout m), the unit will
hang up and wait the retry interval to try again. It will keep trying for the number of times in the
retry times value. Once the call connects to the server, the unit will exchange user name and
password information with the server. The server will then request data from the unit and send
information to the unit. One of the things the server sends is the recall time. The unit will use
this time to reschedule the next call if in auto mode. In manual mode, it will use the call period.
When completed, the server will send a hang up command to the unit. They will both hang up
and wait until time for the next call.
B. The server will reschedule the next call to fall in the window of midnight to 5 AM local time to the
unit. This is based on the unit's time of day clock. The data collected is processed at 6 AM and
posted on the Bevtrak web site.
To access the data on the Internet, you must be a subscriber, and have a user name and
password assigned to you. You will then be able to view only the data from units you own or
D. Each unit is assigned a unique serial number. That serial number is entered into the machine
during final test. It is by this serial number that the Bevtrak server knows to whom the unit data
belongs to.
E. During a successful call, the display will show the following sequence:
Bevtrak calling (placing a call)
Modem connected (the unit has found the server modem)
Bevtrak online (user name and passwords have been exchanged)
Bevtrak shutdown OK (the server has sent a shutdown command)
Bevtrak call done (ready to place the next call at the scheduled time)
The following information is critical to proper machine operation. Prior to troubleshooting problems with
the unit, review the following information.
When either the RUN or the DEF button on the control panel is pressed, the message
“RUN BEATER” or “DEF BEATER” is displayed. This is a time delay before the compressor starts
running. The delay can be as long as two (2) minutes before the unit starts running or defrosting.
Do not press the buttons again.
Wait, and the machine will start defrosting, then freezing.
Before beginning a RUN-FREEZE cycle, the chambers should be filled approximately 90% full (up
to relief valve). If the chambers are above the 90% level, with Fill Off, open the dispensing valve
and allow a small amount of liquid to drain out. If the chambers are not 90% full, press “OFF”, then
“FILL”, and then slowly pull the vent ring on the faceplate to vent gas, and allow liquid to fill. The