Unit in “Sleep” mode. Unit is shut down.
Cmpr StDly
This delay is before compressor starts. The time period varies from 1 to 30 seconds.
Cmpr Start
This is displayed when compressor starts freezing or defrosting.
Cmpr Run
This is displayed only on Left Side, when compressor is running on either side.
This side is waiting to defrost.
If “DEF” is pressed and if the beater has not been running, then this is displayed for a maximum
time delay of two (2) minutes.
DEF Cmp Wt
Time delay prior to opening the Defrost Solenoid.
This is displayed when side is DEFROSTING.
This is displayed when a side has been interrupted by the other side freezing. After the other side
has frozen down, then defrost is resumed.
Run Off
This is displayed when freeze is off or when the side is turned off.
Run HotGasW
This is displayed on the opposite side when a side has defrosted and is waiting to refreeze or when
one side is defrosting and the other side is in Run Thaw Mode.
Run Cmp Wt
This is displayed, prior to starting a freeze down; this is a time delay before the Refrigeration
Solenoid opens.
Run Frz Wt
This is displayed after the freeze down has finished.
Run Freeze
This is displayed when a side is freezing down.
Run Thaw W
This is displayed after the Thaw percent has been reached.
Run Thaw
This is displayed when a side is Thawing before refreezing.
Run Beater
If “Run” is pressed and if the beater has not been running then this is displayed for a maximum
time delay of two (2) minutes.
Fill Off
The unit will not fill with product when this is displayed.
L Fill Hld
This is displayed during first freeze and defrost only. The pressure in the chamber has not dropped
below the fill pressure.
Fill Hold
This is displayed during normal operations when the pressure in the chamber has not dropped
below the fill pressure.
Fl Pre CO2
This is displayed prior to filling the chamber with solution. This only allows CO
into the chamber
for a specified time period.
This is displayed prior to filling the chamber with solution. This only allows CO
and solution to fill
the chamber until four (4) PSI is reached in the chamber.
L Filling
This is displayed during first freeze and defrost only. The unit is filling the chamber.
This is displayed during normal operations when the chamber is filling.