Revision date: 01.03.19
5. Place a cross connector at the top of the inside rafter,
align it with the QH1070 pipe strap attached to the end
rafter in the same location, and insert the
plain end
the purlin pipe (131S075) through the connector and
through the
pipe clamp at the top of the end rafter
6. Verify that both rafters are plumb and properly spaced
7. Verify that the purlin does not extend beyond the end
rafter and tighten the cross connector at the
top of the
interior rafter.
(See dashed line in insert above.)
8. Return to and tighten the QH1070 pipe strap at the top
of the end rafter to secure the purlin.
To prevent cover damage, do not allow the
purlin to extend beyond the edge of the end rafter. See
dashed line in previous diagram for details.
9. Secure the purlin to the QH1070 strap by driving a Tek
screw through the strap and into the purlin pipe. See
the arrow in the insert of the previous diagram.
10. With the first section of the top, center purlin in position,
move to the bottom of the rafter, verify that the rafter
spacing between the end rafter and the first interior
rafter is on-center, and install the first section of purlin
pipe at this location.
Verify that rafters are plumb.
All cross-connectors will align with the QH1070 pipe
straps attached to the end rafters when properly
Attach center
purlin first.
Tek Screw
15. Repeat the steps to set and secure the remaining
interior rafters for the length of the building.
During assembly, consult the Side Profile
Diagram in the Quick Start section to determine the
positions of the interior rafters that include ratchets and
those that do not.
16. Finish each purlin run using a plain pipe positioned
between the last interior rafter and the final end rafter
to complete the assembly.
17. With all rafters in place, continue with the cable
assembly procedures.
Cross Connector
to Rafter Tek
Purlin to Cross
Connector Tek
Position Tek
screws so they
will not contact
the cover once it
is installed.
Lower purlin
Lower purlin
11. Move to the other side of the rafter and repeat Step 10.
12. Install the first pipe section of remaining purlins. (There
are eleven (11) purlins between each rafter.) Consult
the Frame Diagram shown earlier in these instructions
for purlin location.
To prevent cover damage, DO NOT allow
the purlin pipes to extend beyond the end rafter.
protect the cover, tape all rafter joints with duct tape.
13. Verify that purlins are running parallel with each other.
14. Return to
each purlin and cross connector
and secure
the cross connector to the rafter and the purlin to the
cross connector. See the example diagram below.