background image

- 9


Mi 2577















of button 1.


Room number related to the address 

associated with long pressure of button 



Address associated with short pressure 

of button 2.


Room number related to the address 

associated with short pressure of button 



Address associated with long pressure 

of button 2.


Room number related to the address 

associated with long pressure of button 




Address associated with A1/GN input




Volume level of all ringtones.



Ringtone associated to external call.


Ringtone associated to intercom call.


Ringtone associated to call from another 



Ringtone associated to floor call (A1/GN 




Number of rings of the ringtone associ


ated with external call.


Number of rings of the ringtone associ


ated with intercom call.


Number of rings of the ringtone associ


ated with call from another user.


Number of rings of the ringtone associ


ated with floor call (A1/GN input).



Video always ON in slave monitor.

Programming procedure 



To carry out the programming, you need to:

  Enter the programming mode 

as described 

in the "Enter Programming Mode" section;



identify the programming code to use 


table 2);

  enter the three digits of the programming 

code you intend to use 

following the 

instructions in the "entering codes and 

values" section;




to confirm

: you will hear a 

tone, the 


 will start flashing very 

quickly, notifying the operator that the device 

is awaiting the value;

 enter the new value

, following the 

instructions in the "Entering Codes and 

Values" section;




to confirm

: you will hear a tone, 



symbol lights up for a moment and 

t h e 


 will stop flashing quickly 

and will return to flash as before entering 

the code, notifying the operator that the 

device is awaiting a new programming code;



 by entering the code of another 

programming or exit, following the 

instructions in the "Exit Programming Mode" 


Programming additional user addresses  

(codes 001-004).       


In DUO systems, the videointercom can also 

answer calls addressed to other users, so 4 

additional call addresses can be stored. The 

storage procedure is shown below for the 

first of the four addresses (code 001). Using 

codes 002, 003 and 004, the second, third and 

Exit programming mode     


To exit programming, you need to:


hang up the handset if you have not done  

previously. Unhook and hang up again;



 symbol turns off.


If no operations are carried 

out for more than 60 seconds, the 

videointercom exits the programming 

mode automatically.

Entering codes and values   


To enter codes and values, use the keys 

1, 2 



their use is as follows:


Press this button 

to confirm the 

entering of a code


to switch to next 

programming phase




Press this button 

to increase the value 

of the digit to be entered

. Press the 

button a number of times equal to the 

digit to be entered (digit 1=1 press, digit 

9=9 presses, digit 0=10 presses of the 




Press this button 

to  confirm the digit 

entry and move on to the next entry

Press the button to move from hundreds 

to tens, from tens to units and to confirm 

the entry of units.

Each button pressing is confirmed by a tone.

Notes on entering codes and values

The codes and values to be entered must be 

always composed by three digits (hundreds, 

tens, and units); codes and values that are 

composed of tens and units or units alone 

must be completed by adding zeros. For 

example, number 96 becomes 096 and 

number 5 becomes 005.

The digits must be entered one by one by 

pressing  button  "2"  as  many  times  as  the 

value to be entered, followed by pressing 

button "1" to move on to the next digit (a tone 

will indicate when to move on to the next 

digit). For example, to enter number 096 you 

need to:

press the "


" button 

10 times

 to enter the 

digit 0 and then


press the "


" button;

press the "


" button 

9 times

 to enter digit 

9 and then


press the "


" button;

press the "


" button 

6 times

 to enter the 

digit 6 and then


press the "


" button.

Table 2 

Programming codes



First additional address.


  Second additional address.


  Third additional address.


  Fourth additional address.



Room number.



First additional address room number.


  Second additional address room number.


  Third additional address room number.


   Fourth additional address room number.





address of button






address of button






address of button






address of button




Address associated with short pressure 

of button 1.


Room number related to the address as-

sociated with short pressure of button 1.


Address associated with long pressure 



Factory settings   




The following are the values of the default 

factory settings, if you need to change them 

follow the instructions in next paragraphs. 



User Address


(via dip-switch)



Room Number




User additional addresses (1-4)




Room numbers for additional addresses 



Addresses associated with short sequential 

pressure on Button







Address associated with short pressure on 

Button 1




Address associated with long pressure on 

Button 1




Address associated with short pressure  on 

Button 2




Address associated with long pressure on 

Button 2


Address associated with A1/GN input


Volume level of all ringtones


Muting  of all ringtones


Call tones and number of rings



  Video always ON in slave monitor


Programming user address                          

The user address (factory default 100, allowed 

values from 001 to 200) is set via the dip-swi


tches SW1. See table 3. All other parameters 

must be stored in the videointercom, by one 

of the following procedures.

Programming via Bluetooth                         

It is recommended to program the device via 

Bluetooth by downloading the 

"DUO System" 

app (available for iOS and Android) in your 

smartphone or tablet. This requires:

  connect a PGR2991BT or XE2921 Bluetooth 

programmer to the system;

  launch the DUO System app, go to the Bus 

DUO section, press the "+" button and enter 

the video intercom address as set on the 


  program and disconnect.

  If a Bluetooth programmer cannot be 

used, an "emergency" programming 

procedure is available, described in the 

following paragraphs.

Entering programming mode                      

Programming is only possible when the vid-

eointercom is in standby mode. To enter pro-

gramming mode:

  simultaneously hold pressed buttons 




 for 4 seconds with the handset on hook;

  after the 4 sec. the videointercom emits 

a tone; keep buttons 1 and 2 pressed and 

unhook the handset. The 

 symbol starts 

flashing. Release buttons 1 and 2. The hand


set can now be hung up, if desired.

Table 1. 

Factory settings for ringtones


   Number Type of 


   of rings melody


from door station  1 


  intercommunicating 4 

Dring 1

  from other users 

Dring 2

  floor (local) 

Dring 3

Summary of Contents for ASTRO AT9262

Page 1: ...e l nea LEDs de se alizaci n Exclusi n del timbre Se alizaci n de apertura de la puerta FR Vid ophone s rie Astro pour sys t me DUO Vide phone avec 4 boutons Donn es techniques Alimentation de la lign...

Page 2: ...richtige Position gebracht wird die Anpassung der Leitungsimpedanz f r den korrekten Betrieb der angeschlossenen Ger te erm glicht chiusura 15 ohm termination 15 ohm fermeture 15 ohm cierre 15 ohm fe...

Page 3: ...Electric door lock 12VAC 1A max G che lectrique 12Vca 1A max Cerradura el ctrica 12Vca 1A m x Fechadura el ctrica 12Vca 1A max elektrisches T rschloss 12VWs 1A max PA Pulsante apriporta opzionale Door...

Page 4: questo pulsante l indirizzo di ulteriori quattro posti esterni che dopo la prima pressione del tasto saranno sequenzialmente visualizzati rispettivamente alle successive quattro pressioni Terminata...

Page 5: ...dalle centinaia alle decine dalledecinealleunit eperconfermare l immissione delle unit La pressione dei pulsanti confermata da un tono Note sull immissione di codici e valori I codici ed i valori da i...

Page 6: ...e 010 Per programmare il primo indirizzo associato allapressionesequenzialedelpulsante di fabbrica vuoto necessario Inserire il codice 010 premere il pulsante per confermare inserire il nuovo indirizz...

Page 7: ...tire un corretto dimensio namento dell impianto contattare l ufficio tecnico Farfisa prima di abilitare l opzione Ritorno alle impostazioni di fabbrica Per ritornare alle impostazioni di fabbrica ne c...

Page 8: ...received It is possible to store in this button the address of four more door units which after the first pressing of the button will be sequentially displayed at the next four pressing At the end of...

Page 9: ...gits hundreds tens and units codes and values that are composed of tens and units or units alone must be completed by adding zeros For example number 96 becomes 096 and number 5 becomes 005 The digits...

Page 10: ...0 actuator activation addresses 231 253 auto on without having been called to the external unit address 255 erasing of previously entered value Programming the address associated withshortpressureofbu...

Page 11: ...eredvalue Toprogramtheaddressassociatedwithclos ing contacts A1 GN by default empty it is necessary to enter code 022 press button o confirm enterthe new address enter 255 to erase a value previously...

Page 12: ...ffich esens quencelors desquatrepressionssuivantes Alafindelas quenced affichage desquatreplaquesderue sivousappuyez nouveausurlebouton les quatre plaques de rue seront affich es depuis le d but Remar...

Page 13: ...ons 1 L appui sur ce bouton permet de confirmer la saisie du chiffre et de passer la saisie du chiffre suivant Appuyez sur le bouton pour passer des centainesauxdizaines desdizainesaux unit s et pour...

Page 14: ...laques de rue respectivement sur lesquelles il faut effectuer l allumage automatique Programmation de la premi re adresse associ e l appui s quentiel sur le bou ton code 010 Pour programmer la premi r...

Page 15: avec la m lodie programm e pour ce typed appel sanspermettrelaconversation Ilestpossibled associeruneadresse l entr e si enplusdelar ceptiondelatonalit d appel depalier l undesservicesindiqu sci de...

Page 16: ...n en secuencia en las cuatro siguientes pulsaciones Alfinalde la se cuenciadevisualizaci ndelascuatroplacasdecalle sisevuelve a pulsar el bot n las cuatro placas de calle se visualizar n desde el pri...

Page 17: ...ciones cifra 0 10 pulsaciones del bot n 1 Este bot n se pulsa para confirmar la entrada de d gitos y pasar a la siguiente entrada de d gitos Pulse el bot nparapasardecentenasadecenas dedecenasaunidade...

Page 18: ...lautoencendido visualizaci n sin haber sido llamada direcci n 255 borrado del valor introducido anteriormente El procedimiento se describe a continuaci n para la primera de las cuatro direcciones a me...

Page 19: ...mero de estancia in troduzca 255 si desea restaurar la celda de memoria vac a pulsar para confirmar continuar con la siguiente programaci n o salir de la programaci n Programaci ndeladirecci nasociad...

Page 20: ...outras quatro botoneiras pode ser armazenado neste bot o que ap s o primeiro premir do bot o ser exibido em sequ ncia nas quatro prensas seguintes No final da sequ ncia de exibi o das quatro botoneira...

Page 21: ...t o 1 Premindo este bot o utilizado para confirmar a entrada dos d gitos e passar para a entrada do d gito seguinte Pressione o bot o para alternar entre centenas e dezenas dezenas e unidades e para c...

Page 22: ...rocedimento descrito abaixo para o pri meirodosquatroendere osaseremmemori zados c digo 010 Utilizando os c digos 011 012 e 013 poss vel introduzir os endere os da segunda terceira e quarta botoneiras...

Page 23: ...programa o subsequente ou sair da programa o Programa o do endere o da entrada A1 GN c digo 022 Quando os terminais de entrada A1 e GN do video porteiro s o fechados por meio de um bot o a chamada do...

Page 24: ...e nach Abheben des H rers wird der gespeicherte Benutzer angerufen Adresse eines anderen Zimmers in derselben Wohnung nach Abheben des H rers wird das gespeicherte Zimmer angerufen Adresse eines Aktor...

Page 25: ...folgt verwendet Diese Taste wird gedr ckt um die Eingabe eines Codes zu best tigen oder um in eine andere Programmierphase zu wechseln 2 Diese Taste wird gedr ckt um den Wert der einzugebenden Ziffer...

Page 26: ...ressen die mit der sequentiellen Bet tigung der Taste verbunden sind Codes 010 bis 013 Wird die Taste im Ruhezustand des Sys tems gedr ckt schaltet die Video Gegen sprechanlage automatisch die letzte...

Page 27: ...nen Dienst zu aktivieren indem eine der folgenden Adressen gespe ichert wird dieselbe Adresse wie die an SW1 eingestell te Etagenruf der an alle Wohnungsstatio nen mit der gleichen Teilnehmeradresse w...

Page 28: ...8 104 56 152 200 45 141 93 189 21 117 69 165 33 129 81 177 9 105 57 153 46 142 94 190 47 143 95 191 48 144 96 192 22 118 70 166 23 119 71 167 24 120 72 168 34 130 82 178 35 131 83 179 36 132 84 180 1...
