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Mi 2577
In stand-by
Short pressure (<1 s)
It activates the electrical door lock release of the last external
station from which the call was received.
Long pressure (>3 s)
if programmed on the last external station from which the
call was received, it activates EC/EM where present
Short pressure (<1 s)
The function depends on the address stored in the button, in
address of another flat or concierge unit
after picking up
the handset, it calls the address of that flat;
address of another room in the same flat
after picking up
the handset, it calls the device on the other room;
address of an actuator
the actuator is activated/deactivated
address of an external unit
you connect to the door unit
without having previously received the call.
Keeping the
handset on the hook, subsequent presses will cause swi-
tching (if present and programmed on the door station) to
the auxiliary camera and the modulators;
unhooking the
handset, you enter in conversation
Long pressure (>3 s)
Same functions described for short pressure
Short pressure (<1 s)
The function depends on the address stored in the button, in
address of another flat or concierge unit
after picking up
the handset, it calls the address of that flat;
address of another room in the same flat
after picking up
the handset, it calls the device on the other room;
address of an actuator
the actuator is activated/deactivated
address of an external unit
you connect to the door unit
without having previously received the call.
Keeping the
handset on the hook, subsequent presses will cause swi-
tching (if present and programmed on the door station) to
the auxiliary camera and the modulators;
unhooking the
handset, you enter in conversation
Long pressure (>3 s)
Same functions described for short pressure
Short sequential pressure (<1 s)
The first time the button is pressed, it switches on the last door
unit from which the call was received. It is possible to store in
this button the address of four more door units which, after the
first pressing of the button, will be sequentially displayed at
the next four pressing. At the end of the displaying sequence
of the four door units, if the button
is pressed again, the
displaying of the four door units restarts from the beginning.
: If one or more of the four addresses in the sequence are
empty (address 255), they will be excluded from the sequence.
Long pressure (>3 s)
the muting function
. When the ringtones
are excluded, the icon LED
flashes slowly
Flashes slowly
All ringtones are excluded.
Steadily on
Door open signalling
During call and conversation:
Short pressure (<1 s)
Activates the electrical door lock release of the external station
to which you are connected.
Long pressure (>3 s)
If programmed on the external station from which the call was
received, it activates EC/EM where present.
Short pressure (<1 s)
The only function that can be executed is the activation/deacti
vation of a relay if the address of a relay is stored.
Long pressure (>3 s)
Same functions described for short pressure
Short pressure (<1 s)
The only function that can be executed is the activation/deacti
vation of a relay if the address of a relay is stored.
Long pressure (>3 s)
Same functions described for short pressure
Short pressure (<1 s)
If the external door station called or with which a conversation
is taking place is correctly programmed, a short pressing of the
button starts displaying the auxiliary camera (if present and
enabled: HERO/SOLVO) and then the cameras connected to the
VM2521 modulators whose addresses can be programmed in
the external door station (ALBA/HERO/SOLVO).
Long pressure (>3 s)
the muting function
.When the ringers
are muted, the icon LED
flashes as shown below.
Flashes quickly
in call and
in conversation
ringtones are excluded.
Steadily on
Door open signalling
. The terminals of the devices listed below send the door open signal:
external stations: PB/GN of C.2124AB and PB/PB of TD2000. with suitable
- 2281Q relay:
IN/GN input port with factory setting.
Function of buttons and meaning of signalling LED.