1 2 5 3 0 / 1 2 5 4 0 O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
P/N 447203 Issue I
B. System Troubles
AC Trouble
AC input low or off
Double short trouble on addressable loop l
AddrLp l OPEN
Open circuit trouble on addressable loop l
AddrLp l SHORT
Short circuit trouble on addressable loop l
Auxiliary power monitor input trouble
AXLP Bad Msg
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
AXLP Fifo Xmit
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
AXLP NoRespons
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
BATT Trouble
Battery input low or off
CITY Trouble
Local Energy circuit open
CM1aa NoRespons
Programmed control module not responding on loop 1 at address aa
CM1aa DataError
More than one device responding on loop 1 at address aa
Control module NAC wiring open on loop 1 at address aa
Control module NAC wiring shorted on loop 1 at address aa
DACT Trouble
DACT trouble
DACT Acct Trb
DACT account reporting trouble
DACT Com Trouble
DACT communication trouble with main processor
DACT PL x Trouble
Open or short on DACT phone line x
Configuration Flash memory trouble
Ground Fault trouble
IDCxx Trouble
IDC xx wiring is open
LCDxx NoRespons
LCD Annunciator xx programmed but is not responding
LCDxx Not Pgmd
LCD Annunciator xx is not programmed but is responding
LCDxx Trouble
LCD Annunciator xx reports trouble
MD100 Addr=00
Module on loop 1 responded to address 00
MD1aa Not Pgmd
Module responding is not programmed on loop 1 address aa
MM1aa NoRespons
Programmed monitor module not responding
MM1aa DataError
More than one device responding on loop 1 at address aa
MM1aa Bad PWs
Module responses are not valid on loop 1 address aa
MM1aa Bad Pgm
Module responding is not the type programmed on loop 1 address aa
Module IDC wiring open on loop 1 address aa
MNLP Bad Msg
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
MNLP Fifo Xmit
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
MNLP NoRespons
Main processor to loop processor communication trouble
NACxx Trouble
NAC xx wiring is open or shorted
PC Pgmr Trb
Control unit is not receiving communication from PC
Printer Error
Printer is off-line or out of paper
QuickTest Abort
Quick Test Timer expired causing abnormal exit of Quick Test
SNl00 Addr=00
Sensor on loop l responded to address 00
SNlaa DataError
More than one sensor responding on loop l at address aa
SNlaa NoRespons
Programmed sensor not responding on loop l address aa
SNlaa Bad PWs
Sensor responses are not valid on loop l address aa
SNlaa Tst Flt
Sensor is not entering or exiting test mode on loop l address aa
SNlaa Bad Pgm
Sensor responding is not the type programmed on loop l address aa
Sensor needs maintenance on loop l address aa
SNlaa Not Pgmd
Sensor responding is not programmed on loop l address aa
SNlaa MaintAlrt
Sensor needs cleaning on loop l address aa
SNlaa TestValue
Not receiving valid sensor test reading on loop l address aa
Trb Reminder
Trouble Reminder timer expired