1 2 5 3 0 / 1 2 5 4 0 O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
P/N 447203 Issue I
If the control unit has remote connections to the Fire Department or
other monitor, be sure to disable the remote signals and notify the remote
monitoring station before performing test operations, since an off-normal
condition will be indicated.
Quick test is possible in one of two modes, (silent or audible) and is selectable on a per-zone basis. Any
number of zones may be placed into test at the same time, but only one mode of quick test operation is
possible for the whole system at one time. Points not in quick test operate normally. Quick test operation
initiates a system trouble condition.
In the silent mode, all alarm outputs are disabled and only the front panel indications and remote
annunciator LEDs operate. In the audible mode all system sounders will sound momentarily as each or
device is alarmed.
The system maintains a counter of the number of activation’s during the quick test and reports this value
when quick test mode is exited.
Quick test terminates into alarm if more than one device activates simultaneously, or if a device does not
return to normal after being activated within a configurable length of time.
Quick test terminates automatically into normal standby mode using a timer. The value of the timer is
configurable. The timer can be configured to limit the total time of the quick test (i.e. the timer is started
only when quick test is entered), or to limit the time between device activation’s (i.e. the timer is re-started
after each activation).
Alarm activation’s that occur in a system or zone in quick test or by a point in quick test cause the event
to be logged and printed. No other action is taken.
To initiate quick test, enter maintenance mode as described above and follow menu instructions to
configure and initiate the test.
Initiation of General Alarm from the control unit, an RS485 LCD Annunciator, or an RS485 Remote
Processor causes termination of quick test and starts the normal alarm sequence.
Quick test may be terminated by a menu selection or by time-out (set at 5 to 30 minutes) from the last test
activation. Time-out system reactivation is annunciated by a 1/2 second on, 1/2 second off pattern from
system sounders programmed for drill use. A device in alarm condition when quick test is exited causes
the normal alarm sequence.
When any problem is observed with the system, refer to the
troubleshooting chart in Appendix C. For any required service, contact a
factory-authorized representative.