1 2 5 3 0 / 1 2 5 4 0 O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
P/N 447203 Issue I
The basic configuration of the 12530/12540 control unit includes two addressable device circuits. The
control unit can be programmed for operation with Faraday or System Sensor addressable devices.
These are polled by the control unit every few seconds and input or output functions communicated to
determine device status or function. The control unit monitors all device addresses for alarm and trouble
Addressable Device Wiring Diagrams
Proper connections for UL Listed compatible addressable devices are indicated below. Refer also to the
instruction sheets packed with each device.
Sensors and modules may be wired together according to several NFPA defined wiring styles. The wiring
style that is appropriate for your installation should be determined from the relevant building codes and
the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Addressable Device Circuit
Style 4 or 6/7 Operation
(set jumpers P50 & P51 for proper style)
24VDC nominal
Wire Resistance-20 ohms/line
Supervised, Power Limited
See Owner’s Manual for Compatible Devices