1 2 5 3 0 / 1 2 5 4 0 O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
P/N 447203 Issue I
The control unit includes a non-volatile memory recording up to 2000 system events. Identified alarm,
trouble, supervisory trouble, and other significant events will be recorded along with the date and time of
occurrence, and can be inspected by operating front panel push buttons.
Events recorded in the history are:
Alarm, Trouble, or Supervisory conditions.
Drill, Tornado, Recall and General Alarm.
Activation of NACs or modules used for sounders or strobes.
Unit used for command functions. (Silence, acknowledge, reset, etc.)
PAS_INHIBIT switch activation.
Alarm silence (manual and automatic).
System reset.
Power up.
Entry to Programmer Mode.
Secondary configuration edited.
Validity check on backup configuration. (Errors detected or no errors detected)
Running of comparison function. (Same or different)
Replacement of primary configuration.
Execution of Auto-program.
Exit from Programmer Mode.
System time or date change.
Input point disable/enable.
Start and stop of walk test.
Expiration of Walk Test Timer.
Expiration of re-ring timer.
Alarm/trouble/supervisory Acknowledgment.
Trouble/supervisory restored to normal.
Alarm verification counter rollover.
Pre-alarm activation.
Pre-alarm acknowledgment/restore.
Alarm of zone with no outputs.
Activation of points defined for logging.
Sensor maintenance alerts