Fanvil Technology Co., Ltd
HQ Add: Level 3, Block A, Gaoxinqi Building, Anhua Industrial Park, Qianjin 1 Road, 35th District, Bao'An, Shenzhen, 518101 P.R. China
Tel: +86-755-2640-2199 Fax: +86-755-2640-2618 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Beijing Tel:+86-10-5753-6809
Suzhou Tel: +86-512-6592-0605 SEA Tel: +60-3-512-21997
Password Dial Prefix
the prefix of the password call
Restrict Active URI Source IP
Set the device to accept Active URI command
from specific IP address.
NOTICE! This feature
is usually used for device management and
will be described in
“X5 Administration
Push XML Server
Configure the Push XML Server, when phone
receives request, it will determine whether to
display corresponding content on the phone
which sent by the specified server or not.
Allow IP Call
If enabled, user can dial out with IP address
Enable Multi Line
Enable phone to make calls for 10 lines max, or
disable for 2 lines max.
Enable Default Line
If enabled, user can assign default SIP line for
dialing out rather than SIP1.
Enable Auto Switch Line
Enable phone to select an available SIP line as
default automatically
DND Response Code
Set the SIP response code on call rejection on
Busy Response Code
Set the SIP response code on line busy
Reject Response Code
Set the SIP response code on call rejection
Play Talking DTMF Tone
Play DTMF tone on the device when user
pressed a phone digits during taking, default
Play Dialing DTMF Tone
Play DTMF tone on the device when user
pressed a phone digits at dialing, default
Action URL
NOTICE! Action URL is used for device event submitting with IPPBX system. The detail is
addressed in the
“X5 Administration Guide”