The mounting grommets delivered
with the compressor should always be
used. They reduce vibration transmitted
by the compressor mounting feet to the
base frame.
The base on which the compressor is
mounted should be sufficiently rigid
and of adequate mass to ensure the full
effectiveness of the mounting grom-
The compressor should never be direct-
ly mounted to the base frame without
the grommets. If it is, significant high vi-
bration transmission will occur and the
compressor service life will be reduced.
Suction and discharge lines must have
adequate flexibility in 3 planes. Vibra-
tion absorbers may be required.
Care must be taken to avoid tubing ha-
ving frequencies resonant close to the
compressor frequency.
Vibration is also transmitted by the re-
frigerant gas. Maneurop® compressors
have built in mufflers to reduce this vi-
To further reduce vibration an additio-
nal muffler can be installed.
Maneurop® MT & MTZ compres-
sors have been designed and qualified
for stationary equipment used in A/C
and refrigeration applications.
Danfoss does not warrant these com-
pressors for use in mobile applications,
such as trucks, railways, subways, etc.