The MPZ series from Danfoss
Commercial Compressors is a range of
hermetic reciprocating compressors
for medium / high evaporating
temperature applications.
The MPZ is engineered as a true
refrigeration compressor, optimised
at -10°C with an extended application
range from -30°C to +10°C.
The Danfoss MPZ series is specifi cally
designed for use with R404A / R507A,
using 160MPZ polyolester oil as
The level of performance combined
with extra low sound characteristics
rank the MPZ series among the best
compressors in their class.
Further, its new shell housing with
solder connections is designed to be
as compact as possible.
The compressors can be operated at
a return gas temperature (suction gas
temperature) of 20°C on most of its
application window.
The electrical motor is fully suction gas
cooled which means that additional
body cooling is not required. The
compressors can therefore be installed
in a sealed compartment and even
can be insulated with an acoustic
insulation hood when the installation
requirements call for extra low sound