R-22 based transitional
Refrigerant R-134a is an HFC refrige-
rant with thermodynamic properties
comparable to those of the CFC refri-
gerant R-12. R-134a has zero ozone
depletion potential (ODP=0) and is
commonly accepted as the best R-
12 alternative. For applications with
high evaporating and high conden-
sing temperatures, R-134a is the ideal
choice. R-134a is a pure refrigerant and
has no temperature glide. For R-134a
applications always use the Maneurop®
MTZ compressor. Use Danfoss 160PZ
polyolester oil, which is supplied with
the MTZ compressor.
Maneurop® MT compressors should ne-
ver be used for R-134a, even when the
mineral oil is replaced by polyolester oil.
Refrigerant R-404A is an HFC refrigerant
with thermodynamic properties com-
parable to those of the CFC refrigerant
R-502. R-404A has zero ozone depletion
potential (ODP = 0) and is commonly
accepted as one of the best R-502 alter-
natives. R-404A is especially suitable for
low evaporating temperature applica-
tions but it can also be used with me-
dium evaporating temperature appli-
cations. R-404A is a mixture with a very
small temperature glide, therefore must
be charged in its liquid phase, but for
most other aspects this small glide can
be ignored. Because of the small glide,
R-404A is often called a near-azeotropic
mixture. For more information refer to
section "Zeotropic refrigerant mixtu-
res". For low evaporating temperature
applications down to -49°F, Maneurop®
NTZ compressors should be used. Re-
fer to the NTZ selection and application
guidelines. For medium temperature
R-404A applications, always use the Ma-
neurop® MTZ compressor with 160PZ
polyolester oil, which is supplied with
the MTZ compressor.
Maneurop® MT compressors should ne-
ver be used with R-404A, even if the mi-
neral oil replaced by polyolester oil.
Refrigerant R-507A is an HFC refrigerant
with thermodynamic properties com-
parable to those of the CFC refrigerant
R-502 and virtually equal to those of R-
404A. R-507A has no ozone depletion
potential (ODP = 0) and is commonly
accepted as one of the best R-502 alter-
natives. As with R-404A, R-507A is par-
ticularly suitable for low evaporating
temperatures but it can also be used in
medium evaporating temperature ap-
plications. R-507A is an azeotropic mix-
ture with no temperature glide. For low
evaporating temperature applications
down to -49°F, Maneurop® NTZ com-
pressors should be used. Refer to the
NTZ selection and application guideli-
nes. For medium temperature R-507A
applications, always use the Maneurop®
MTZ compressor and Maneurop® 160PZ
polyolester oil which is supplied with
the MTZ compressor.
Maneurop® MT compressors should ne-
ver be used for R-507A, even with the
mineral oil replaced by polyolester oil.
A wide variety of R-22 - based transitio-
nal refrigerants exist (also called service
refrigerants or drop-in blends). These
were developed as temporary R-12
or R-502 alternatives. Some examples
are R401A, R401B, R409A and R409B
as R-12 alternatives and R402A, R402B,
R403A and R403B as R-502 alternatives.
Because of the R-22 component, they
all have a (low) ozone depletion poten-
tial. Maneurop® MT compressors can
be applied with these transitional refri-
gerants. In such applications, the initial
mineral oil charge must be replaced by
Maneurop®160 ABM alkylbenzene oil.
Hydrocarbons such as propane, iso-
butane, etc. are extremely flammable.
Danfoss does not approve the use of
hydrocarbons with Maneurop® MT or
MTZ compressors in any way, even with
a reduced refrigerant charge.