Remote areas and National Parks are sensitive areas and all precautions should be taken not to damage tracks, interfere
with flora and fauna and not to contaminate the area. In sensitive areas it is advisable to use grey water tanks and contained
toilets. If your camper or camper isn’t fitted with such, both toilets and grey water tanks are available as portable self-
contained units.
Always store food, food scraps and rubbish in secure containers, native animals can be quite resourceful in scavenging for
scraps. Dingos have been known to open locked eskies to get to food so don’t chance it, always secure these items when
When planning remote trips always consider where you will resupply for fuel, food and water.
Some remote fuel stations may run out of fuel during busy periods or times when large fuel trucks are
unable to access the area due to road conditions and closures or simply close outside of the season.
Always check conditions and availability of fuel before setting out to remote areas.
There are many resources available for planning your trip away. Every state has a tourism website as so regional councils
which will give you extensive information on camping sites, things to do and see, events happening in the area and contact
information for booking sites or activities.
Each state’s national parks organisation have a website to assist in finding campsites and provide specific information about
each parks unique qualities. As a planning resource these are extremely good. All contact information will be available.
This smartphone app is an excellent resource for finding all kinds of camping across Australia. If you are looking for free
camping you won’t find a better resource. There is an app add on that even assists in finding fuel stops with user updates on
fuel prices.