HC 404 System • Reference Information
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates
Extron control products ship with factory-installed SSL certificates created by Extron. If you
want or are required to use a different SSL certificate at your installation site, then you can
use system utilities in the Toolbelt software to change the SSL certificate at any time. The
Toolbelt Help File
provides instructions on how to apply an SSL certificate to a device such
as the HCR or a control processor.
You must run Toolbelt as an administrator.
Some certificates require a passphrase that is created when the certificate is
created. If a passphrase is required, you must enter that passphrase before
uploading and applying the certificate.
IP Link Pro controllers and devices such as the HCR 102 support standard OpenSSL
certificate encodings such as .pem (Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail) and .der file
types. PEM file types are ASCII encoded and are the required format for uploading to
the HCR 102. DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) file types are binary encoded and
can typically have several file extension variations, such as .crt and .cer. There are many
standard tools that can convert from DER to PEM file encodings if needed.
A DER format file must be converted to PEM encoding before uploading it to the
To properly create the certificate for uploading to Extron control devices, ensure that the
certificate file meets the following requirements:
contains X.509 certificate information
contains public and private keys
uses PEM encoding
ITU-T standard X.509 covers aspects of public key encryption, digital
cryptography, certificates, and validation.
Contact your IT administrator for more information on what tools and policies are required to
obtain or create the SSL certificate and, if necessary, the corresponding passphrase.