# Dual-Homing
# When role is dual-homing, one ring port is primary port and another is backup port. This backup port
is redundant port. In normal state, it is blocked.
Group 3 - It supports configuration of the chain and balancing-chain.
# Chain - it could be head, tail or member.
# When role is chain/head, one ring port is head port and another is member port. Both ring ports are
forwarded in normal state.
# When role is chain/tail, one ring port is tail port and another is member port. The tail port is
redundant port. It is blocked in normal state.
# When role is chain/member, both ring ports are member port. Both ring ports are forwarded in
normal state.
# Balancing Chain - it could be central-block, terminal-1/2 or member.
# When role is balancing-chain/central-block, one ring port is member port and another is block port.
The block port is redundant port. It is blocked in normal state.
# When role is balancing-chain/terminal-1/2, one ring port is terminal port and another is member port.
Both ring ports are forwarded in normal state.
# When role is balancing-chain/member, both ring ports are member port. Both ring ports are
forwarded in normal state.
1. Enable group1 before configure group2 as coupling.
2. When group1 or group2 is enabled, the configuration of group3 is invisible.
3. When group3 is enabled, the configuration of group1 and group3 is invisible.
Configuring Ringv2 (Console)
To configure the ring protection in ISW series management switch:
1. Log in to the console with the admin account.
2. Go to Configure mode by executing:
configure terminal
3. Go to configure ring protection group by executing:
ringv2 protect group1
4. Before configuring the ring, you must disable ring protection status by executing:
mode disable
5. Set all necessary parameters:
For Node 1 and Node 2, choose the ports that you connect with other switch. For example, choose
PORT-1 and PORT-2 that means PORT-1 is one of the ports connected with other switch, so is
PORT-2. Then choose one of ring connection devices be “Master” that can accept the “Node 2 port”
and be the blocking port.
node1 interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
node2 interface GigabitEthernet 1/2
role ring-master
Configuring Ringv2 (Console)
ISW Application Guides
ISW Series Managed Industrial Ethernet Switch Hardware Installation & User Guide