monitor destination interface GigabitEthernet 1/5
monitor source cpu both
interface GigabitEthernet 1/3
switchport trunk allowed vlan 4,5
switchport trunk vlan tag native
interface GigabitEthernet 1/4
switchport trunk allowed vlan 4,5
switchport trunk vlan tag native
Case 2: ACL for IP address
For IP address
, it can filter on source IP address, destination IP address, or both. It also supports to
set IP range ACL. When it filters on both IP address, packets coincident with both rules will take effect.
In other words, it does not do filter if it only coincident with one rule.
If you want to filter only one directional IP address, the other IP address just set to all zero. It means
don’t care portion. Besides IP address, it also supports Protocol for filter additionally. (TCP=6, UDP=17,
etc.) Certain Protocol under these IP addresses will take effect. If you use doesn’t care Protocol, you can
just set to zero value. The detail testing (refer to MAC ACL above).
Case 3: ACL for L4 Port
For Layer4 port
, it can filter on (1) source IP address, (2) source L4 port, (3) destination IP address,
(4) destination L4 port, and (5) UDP or TCP Protocol. You can select to filter on (1)~(4) for all or some
specific values, but it should select exact one Protocol from UDP or TCP.
When it filters on both directional IP address and L4 port, packets coincident with both rules will take
effect. In other words, it does not do filter if it only coincident with one rule.
If you want to filter only one directional IP address or L4 port, the other IP address and L4 port must be
set to all zeroes. It means don’t care portion. The detail testing (refer to MAC ACL above).
Case 4: ACL for ToS
For Type of Service (ToS)
, it can filter on (1) source IP address with ToS type , or (2) destination IP
address with ToS type, or (3) both, or (4) both not (just filter ToS). When it filters on both IP address,
packets coincident with both rules will take effect. In other words, it does not do filter if it only
coincident with one rule.
If you want to filter only one directional IP address, the other IP address must be set to all zeroes. It
means don’t care portion. The detail testing, please refer to case 1 MAC ACL above.
Valid Values: Precedence: 0-7, ToS: 0-15, DSCP: 0-63
Value 7 is reserved and set to 0.
Case 2: ACL for IP address
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