addItIonal tHermostat
n.B. : InstallatIon must Be PerFormed By an autHorIsed teCHnICIan
it is possible to control the temperature of a room adjacent to the room where the stove is positioned; simply connect a thermostat following
the procedure described in the following section (it is advisable to place the optional mechanical thermostat at a height off the ground
equal to 1.50 m). stove operation with the external thermostat connected in the terminal Ta can be different depending on the activation or
deactivation of the sTaND BY function.
By factory default, the terminal ta is jumpered, therefore it always has closed contact (on request).
addItIonal tHermostat oPeratIon w
ith StaND BY act
when the sTaND BY function is active, the sTBY icon will be on. when the contact or external thermostat is not satisfied (open contact /
temperature reached), the stove will switch off. as soon as the contact or external thermostat switches to the "not satisfied" status (closed
contact / temperature to be reached) it will re-ignite.
NB: stove operation depends on the temperature of the water inside the stove and relative factory setting restrictions. if the stove is in
h-OFF (water temperature reached), any additional contact or thermostat request will be ignored.
addItIonal tHermostat oPeratIon wItH
when the sTaND BY function is not active, the sTBY icon will be off.
when the contact or external thermostat is satisfied (open contact / temperature reached), the stove will go to minimum. as soon as the
contact or external thermostat switches to the "not satisfied" status (closed contact / temperature to be reached) the stove will start to work
again at the pre-set power.
NB: stove operation depends on the temperature of the water inside the stove and relative factory setting restrictions. if the stove is in
h-OFF (water temperature reached), any additional contact or thermostat request will be ignored.
addItIonal tHermostat InstallatIon
switch the appliance off using the master switch positioned at the back of the stove.
remove the plug from the socket.
refer to the wiring diagram and connect the two thermostat wires in the relevant terminals located on the back of the stove, one
red and one black (terminal Ta).
Each model may have a different terminal location on the back of the stove. the image is given as an
tO actiVatE StaND BY, REFER tO thE “SEttiNGS” chaPtER