It is recommended to first set all ignition cues in accordance
with the music, and only assign the effects at the end.
Once all ignition cues have been set, they can be filled with effects. Right-click into the empty
Box/Channel field of the cue to do so (see the yellow box below).
In the new window you can select the preferred box number, as well as the effect you wish to use.
The channel numbers 1-70 match the list of sequences (
see attachment 1 - List of sequences
). A
simple click on the channel number allows you to view the effect. A double-click assigns the effect to
the cue.
The rise time field has no use for X2 Wave Flamers. This option is used for devices of the old radio
system V1 to add a driving time (lead time), which the swivel head will need to reach the wanted
angle. With the new radio system X2, this calculation is made automatically.
The settings
Angle 1-15
and the checkbox
are not in use as of now in the ShowCreator (Beta