RME1-TC User’s Manual - Thermocouple Acquisition Module
E. ARP method to configure IP address
In case you want the RME1-TC to have a static IP address (no DHCP service), you can assign it to
the device using the ARP method.
If RME1-TC receives, within the first 7 seconds after power on, an ICMP packet (ping) it will get
that packet destination address.
With this purpose you can force an entry in a PC ARP table within a network.
1. The ARP table has to have at least one IP address different to itself, for the ARP
command to work properly. Check the ARP table has at least one entry with the
arp -a
If the only entry is the local PC send a ping to other network device.
2. In Windows, you can force an entry in the ARP table with the following command:
arp -s 00-90-C2-XX-XX-XX
3. In Unix the command to add an entry in the ARP table is:
arp -s 00:90:C2:XX:XX:XX
4. Send a ping to the IP address you forced in the ARP table with the following command:
ping -t
The –t option will send it continuously.
Turn on the RME1-TC. You will not get any response after a few seconds. When the RME1-TC
answers the ping, you can access to the device through the network.
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