RME1-TC User’s Manual - Thermocouple Acquisition Module
RME1-TC – Exemys:
It is important to mention that this way not only the net parameters can be modified but also all
the equipment parameters can be reached. For further information consult Appendix D.
d) IP address configuration with ARP method
If the RME1-TC receives ICMP packets after being turned on, it will take the destination IP of
these packets and this will start being the device IP address. For further information see
appendix E.
3.2 Device parameters configuration
Configuration parameters can be modified by three different ways:
- Web page configuration
- Telnet console configuration (See Appendix D)
- Serial console configuration (See Appendix D)
Once the RME1-TC has a valid IP address you may access the web page to configure the rest of
the parameters.
1. If your web navigator is configured to search for a Proxy server, disable that option.
2. If you have the Exemys Device Locator software, select the device and press the button
3. Type the RME1-TC IP address field of your navigator.
Figure 15 - Enter the IP address in the Web browser.
4. In your web browser you will see the inputs value and a link to configure the device.
5. If you click on the link the RME1-TC will ask for the password to enter the page. Type
“admin” as user name and then the password to enter. The RME1-TC defaults have no
password, so that the device will not ask for it unless the user enables it.
www.exemys.com Rev.