Revision 19, November 2016
Page 9-1
Excillum strives at offering first-class customer support.
We’ll provide our customers with fast
and reliable
advice on the most cost-effective and quickest solution. Most replacement parts can be shipped immediately.
To ensure a fast and smooth servicing process, contact Excillum according to instructions on page ii with the
following information:
Company name, contact person, contact information (e-mail, phone, and street address).
Model number, article number, serial number, and manufacturing year of the sub-assembly unit in
need of service.
Purchase order number
Description of the problem (more details may lead to correct decisions faster)
System log files
The x-ray control software continuously logs valuable information. This information is sometimes requested by
Excillum during support cases. It can easily be downloaded using any SFTP client that connects remotely to the
machine. Refer to Section 4.6.2 for network connectivity arrangements.
The folder /home/jxs/ contains files and folders that may be requested during support cases. Table 9-1 list the
most important files and folders including a description of the contents.
File / Folder
Today's log file with all system events (also shown in the log tab)
Today's read back values for all monitored system values with 5 s
startup.conf (when present)
Hardware startup configuration
events.log and monitors.log files older than one day
Images and text reports acquired during system parametrization
Compressed archives (zip) containing copies of config.backup, events.log,
monitors.log, setpoints.backup from the dates indicated by the filename.
Database holding present configuration and parametrization
Table 9-1.
The most important files and folders including a description in /home/jxs/.
If a problem has occurred the same day it is often sufficient to send events.log and monitors.log as well as the
reports from that day. Problems that has occurred in the past can often be diagnosed by sending the relevant
files from the day the problem occurred.