Revision 19, November 2016
Page 4-2
Make sure to look for possible transportation damage to the container before unpacking. In case of
transportation damage, immediately notify the carrier and contact Excillum.
Check the material received against the packing list. Report any discrepancies immediately.
Inspect the electron gun/x-ray head, the pump box, the x-ray system controller, and the x-ray high-
voltage controller for possible shipping damage.
Do not bend cables too sharply. The minimum bend radius for high-voltage cables is 0.5 m.
Setting up the MetalJet D2+ source
Internal surfaces of the MetalJet D2+ source are clean upon delivery
Surfaces exposed to vacuum, and high-voltage insulator ends on the cables, should never be handled with
bare hands. Use clean room gloves to keep parts free from fingerprints and other contaminants when
setting up the MetalJet D2+ source.
Mounting of sub-assembly units
The electron gun/x-ray head and the pump box are designed to be semi-rigidly connected to each other by the
supply high-pressure tubing and the return low-pressure flex-hose assembly of the metal-jet loop, see Figure
4-1. In addition, 6 mm outer diameter flexible hoses for cooling water supply and return run from the opening
in the pump box towards the x-ray head. The design allows for smaller adjustments of the x-ray head relative to
the pump box. Figure 4-1 through Figure 4-3 shows the relative placement of the x-ray head and the pump box
for the standard configuration of the MetalJet D2+ system.