Understanding OneBlox and OneSystem
| Version 2.15.5 | page
6 : Common Tasks
OneBlox 4312 User Guide
communication? .....................................................................................................102
How do I set up OneBlox for Disaster Recovery?.......................................................103
How Should I Configure my Firewall for Remote Replication?.....................................106
In the Event of a Failure, How do I Enable Applications to Access the Secondary Ring in a
Mesh Configuration? ...............................................................................................107
How Can I stop or resume Remote Replication for a Given Share? .............................108
How do I Know What the Recovery Point of a Given Share is? ...................................109
How do I Change or Reset my OneSystem Password?...............................................110
What if I want to Erase all of the Information on my OneBlox? ..................................111
How do I see what the deduplication ratio is for the OneBlox Ring? ...........................112
How Can I Audit OneSystem Administrator Actions?..................................................114
How do I see the Status of Disk Drives used with my OneBlox? .................................115
How do I remotely Shutdown OneBlox? ...................................................................114
If I have a OneBlox hardware failure how do I replace the OneBlox?..........................115
How do I Deploy Private OneSystem? ......................................................................115
How do I disable Encryption in Flight?......................................................................116