6 : Common Tasks
OneBlox 4312 User Guide
Understanding OneBlox and OneSystem
| Version 2.15.5 | page
6.45 - How do I see the Status of Disk Drives used with my OneBlox?
OneBlox is continually communicating with OneSystem, and part of this communication is the
. information about the disk drives that are being used and is correlated with SMARTOne.
There are a number of attributes that are tracked, analyzed, and presented.
The information can be found by navigating to the detailed OneBlox view in OneSystem that
shows the drive bays. By mousing over one of the drives, the drive information will be displayed,
SMART Monitor View
. This will open a web page for SMARTOne and all of the drives used
with the OneBlox associated with your OneSystem account will be displayed.
There is a tab named
All Drive Manufacturers
that will display the information for the drives used
across the Exablox installed base. Additional details may be seen by clicking on the manufacturer
and then a given drive to understand the health of a given drive.
6.46 - If I have a OneBlox hardware failure how do I replace the OneBlox?
If you believe you have a OneBlox failure, please contact support. If the OneBlox failed, support
will issue an RMA and send a replacement.
Setup the new OneBlox with power and networking, but do not power it on.
If there are other OneBlox on the same subnet, make sure that these Rings have Auto Enrollment
disabled. See
What if I want to setup additional OneBlox in different Rings?
Power on the new OneBlox.
Register the new OneBlox with your OneSystem account.
Contact Exablox Support to have the new OneBlox prepared.
When Support asks, please remove the disks from the old OneBlox and move them into the new
Once this is done, Support will then initiate the migration process.
The filesystem will be offline during this process and the length of time will depend on the amount
of data stored in the filesystem. Approximately 3 TB of used capacity are processed every hour.
To remove the old OneBlox from your OneSystem account:
Power off the old OneBlox.
In OneSystem, navigate to the old OneBlox detailed view and select
Decommission OneBlox
from the Actions menu.
With the Exablox provided packaging, please return the old OneBlox to Exablox.
6.47 - How do I Deploy Private OneSystem?
Please refer to the detailed Private OneSystem User Guide located at http://exablox.io/useinfo.