Understanding OneBlox and OneSystem
| Version 2.15.5 | page
6 : Common Tasks
OneBlox 4312 User Guide
6.19 - How Do I Create a VMware NFS Datastore with OneBlox?
To create a VMware NFS Datastore
After creating the desired number of NFS export(s) as described in
on page 80), you may mount those exports in VMware. OneBlox 2.11 and later currently
supports VMware vSphere 5.5 and 6.0.
A single NFS datastore can support multiple vmdk files. Since there's no limit on the size of each
datastore and you can migrate datastores at any time, there's a significant amount of flexibility
with OneBlox and VMware.
With OneBlox 2.14 and later, jumbo frames can be configured on a per port group basis. Care
should be taken if using jumbo frames to ensure the entire network is correctly configured.
Care should be taken if using jumbo frames to ensure the entire network is correctly
Because OneBlox is a scale-out storage solution, all exports have equal access to the OneBlox
Ring capacity. There is no limitation on the size of an NFS export. A single export can be the entire
OneBlox Ring capacity-upwards of 300TB usable capacity. Moreover, as capacity is added to the
OneBlox Ring, simply rescan the datastores, and VMware seamlessly sees more storage-with zero
configuration. NFS quotas can be assigned to an export if desired.
Open the vSphere Client and log into the appropriate vSphere ESXi server that you would like to
mount the NFS datastore. In the following screen shots, we used the traditional client, but the
principle is the same for the vSphere web client (see following figure). For details on installing
VMware vSphere and other VMware software, refer to VMware's technical documentation.
vSphere ESXi Server