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Door alarm keeps sounding
Check to make sure the door is properly aligned in
the frame by looking for uneven surfaces. For
example, is the gap from the hinge to edge equal in
width all the way across the surface?
I can't hear any noise from the
Is the power on? Is the LED on front a solid green? If
so, the unit is powered and operating normally. Once
the refrigerator reaches its set point temperature
then it will be very quiet during normal operating
I hear more fan noise than normal Has the temperature risen recently? Is back free &
clear? If you've recently held the door open for an
extended period of time or you put warmer product
in the refrigerator, then the unit is likely recovering to
its set point temperature. Only be alarmed if you hear
abnormal fan sounds.
How long do I have to wait before
I can load the refrigerator?
Once the unit displays 4C, you are safe to start
loading. If loading with room temperature product,
we recommend loading the refrigerator in small
increments to avoid raising the temperature above
the controlled temperature zone.
What is the difference between an
air sensor and a glycol sensor?
The air sensor is located along the back panel and
represents the open air temperature. A glycol sensor
is the vial of liquid with a thermocouple inserted in
the liquid. The glycol sensor is most representative of
the typical product stored in the refrigerator. It will
take the glycol sensor longer to reach the desired set
point temperature and it will remain stable longer
than the air sensor. The display is defaulted to read
the glycol sensor.
System doesn't recognize USB
We recommend inserting the USB while the display is
reading temperature (default screen). Once plugged
in you should see a USB icon appear on the icon bar.
If it doesn't register after a few attempts, try inserting
a different USB memory stick. Contact Phononic
customer service if this persists.
System doesn't download data to
the USB?
Did you confirm there is a USB icon on the icon bar?
Is the LED on USB illuminating? Check the USB
device to make sure there is space for the data file.
Try using a different USB memory stick.
WiFi-related Issues
I can't find my network
Is the router within range? Have you tried to manually
enter a network name? Consult your system
administrator for help with your network id and
I can't connect to my network
Is the router within range? Have you tried to manually
enter a network name? Have you changed the
password recently? Consult your system