Glue the Tail Plane into position, apply the glue inside the slot, top and bottom, and with help carefully open
the slot while inserting the Tail Plane and release the Fuselage to clamp back down. Only apply slight
pressure so as not to break the rear of the Fuselage. When inserting the Tail Plane be careful not to get
glue onto the covering. Make sure the Tail Plane is parallel to the wing by viewing from the front as before.
Take the fully covered Fuselage with Fin and Tail Plane fitted and glue the hinges 50% into the Rudder and
Elevator. Glue using a thin Cyano and ensure that it penetrates into the slots both top and bottom. Slot the
hinges into the corresponding slots on the Fin and Tail Plane. Move the control surfaces full travel (min 45°)
to ensure that there is no resistance and repeat the gluing process. Due to the large control surfaces we
would recommend pinning the hinges, this is left to the builder’s discretion.
Fit the Elevator servo (rear servo), Rudder servo (front servo) and 9g Throttle servo (glow version) using the
screws supplied with the servos, if you haven’t already, fit the 6 x 6mm (¼” x ¼”) spruce to the front servo.
Pilot drill the holes first to prevent the ply and spruce splitting.
Make up the two horns (Parts 35), cut a slot in the rudder and elevator to accept them. The elevator horn
sits at in centre of the elevator and the rudder horn sits 3/8” (9mm) from the bottom of the rudder parallel with
the bottom rail.
With a Bradawl make holes for the closed loop system to exit the Fuselage as shown below. Start by making
a hole at 90° to the surface, then increase the angle while twisting the Bradawl to about 5°. Make the holes
in the positions as shown on the diagram. We have found it neater to insert tubes into the holes, and have
used old pen inners (Biro) or excess Bowden outer glued in place with Cyano. Ensure Cyano does not enter
the tube or it will glue the cable fast. The hole for the upper Elevator closed loop cable will be placed
centrally on the rear deck, but needs to be inserted at an angle so that the cable can be run past the Fin