Control Throws
We only recommend setting the model up with sport flying throws unless you are an experienced flyer.
Increasing the control rates will make the model extremely responsive!
For test flying and sports flying, set the control throws up as shown below:
Ailerons - 30mm Up and Down measured at the tip
Elevator – 30mm Up and Down measured at the tip
Rudder – 65mm Left and Right measured at the top
These control throws will provide docile flight characteristics, suitable for test flying. Once confident in the
models performance increase the rates. At Evolution we fly our display models with the following settings on
the transmitter high rate settings:
Ailerons - 45mm Up and Down measured at the tip
Elevator – 40mm Up and Down measured at the tip
Rudder – As much as possible!
When you are content with the control setup, use some heat shrink tubing or excess fuel tube over the clevis
to ensure that it cannot open.
Flap Mix
If your transmitter has the ability to mix in flaps, we have used this function to make the model loop and pitch
much tighter. Flap is when the ailerons move in the same direction (up or down) together.
To set this mix up increase the Elevator movement until the model begins to screw out of loops with
movement, once this begins to happen back off the movement slightly. Repeat this with the flaps, with full
up Elevator and full flap the model should be able to perform a tight loop without screwing out. We highly
recommend this mix as it makes the model more stable in loops and at slower speeds.
The flaps should be set as below:
Elevator up – Flaps (Ailerons) Down
Elevator Down – Flaps (Ailerons) Up
(Flap mix shown with high rates switched on)
Centre of Gravity (CoG)
Once you have completed the model, and all components, including receiver and batter have been installed
check the balance of the model with the fuel tank empty. With a helper place a Finger under the wing to see
where the CoG sits. The Fusion has a huge CoG range, but we recommend starting about 25mm (1”)
behind the spar. When you and your helper lift the model it should balance on this point, if it does not then