Figure 16-10 Overtime Enroll
Add Overtime Enroll
Click the “Add” button to enter the Overtime Enroll, select one record in the Cardholder list,
set the card swiping time, working hours and comment information, click the “Save” button
and a new overtime record is added (see Figure 16-11). If the system shows a prompt
reading “Added successfully,” it indicates the setting of the overtime record is finished. Click
the “Return” button to return to the Overtime Enroll list. You can see that the new overtime
record has been added successfully.
Figure 16-11 Add Overtime Enroll
If it is not convenient to search in the user, you can directly input the employee number or
name of the Cardholder. The system can automatically match the name or employee
number of the Cardholder.
Query Overtime Enroll
The user can query the Overtime Enroll records.
By default, the system returns all the Overtime Enroll records in the current month. The
user can set the query time range and input the employee number or name of the
Cardholder to be queried to realize a precise query. Click the “Search” button and the
system displays the overtime records meeting the conditions.