The weather forecast refers to the next 12 to 24 hours. Therefore, it may happen that
the current weather and the display do not match.
If a rain storm is expected, the symbol flashes.
If the forecast calls for snow, this information is based on the outdoor temperature, not
the air pressure. When the outdoor temperature falls below -3 °C, the cloud with the
snowflakes is displayed.
24. Barometer
a) Setting the relative air pressure (optional)
abs = Absolute air pressure
rel = Relative air pressure
• Press and hold the BARO button for 2 seconds until the abs or rel indicator flashes.
• If necessary, press the C or MEM/- so that the rel indicator flashes.
• Press the BARO button. The value flashes.
• Change the value with the C or MEM/- buttons.
• Press the BARO button to confirm.
The default relative air pressure is 1013 hPa.
If you adjust the value, the weather symbols also change.