16. Range
The outdoor sensor has a range of up to 150 m.
This range only applies in ideal conditions with no obstructions (i.e. a direct field of view between the sensor
and base station).
In practice, however, there may be walls, ceilings and other obstacles between the transmitter and the
receiver, which will reduce the range accordingly.
Different objects have a different impact on the range, therefore no specific range can be guaranteed. However, the
range should be sufficient for use in a detached house.
The range can be considerably reduced by:
• Walls, reinforced concrete ceilings and metal-framed drywalls
Trees and stones
• Coated/double-glazed windows
• Proximity to metal and conducting objects (e.g. radiators)
• Proximity to people
• Other devices that operate on the same frequency (e.g. wireless headphones or wireless speakers)
• Proximity to electric motors/appliances, transformers, power adapters, computers, cables and wires