c) Obtaining a station ID
In addition to a Wunderground account (see section 10. b), a station ID is required to upload weather data. To obtain
a station ID, register the weather station on www.wunderground.com.
Follow the steps below to register the weather station:
Launch your Internet browser and visit the following website:
• Click "Log in" and enter the login details from section 10. b).
• Click "My Profile" and select "My weather stations".
If you are prompted to confirm your email address, send
the confirmation email again and click the link in the
Log out and then log back in and repeat the above steps.
• Click "Add a New PWS" to add the weather station.
A world map will appear, which you can use to mark the location of your weather station. Enter your country, region
and street name, or move the map to your location. To zoom in and out, select "+" or "-", or place the cursor on the
map and use the scrolling wheel.
The altitude is calculated automatically. Under "Height above ground", you can enter the height of the
weather station above the ground (e.g. if you live in a high-rise building). This must be entered in feet
(1 ft = 30.48 cm). Use 1 m = 3 ft for an approximate guide.
In most scenarios, the outdoor sensor is mounted a few metres above the ground (e.g. 3 m / 10 ft).