Compatible drivers
The following drivers are compatible with this version of the isolated current-sense inputs:
Totem-pole (push-pull) HTL drivers, 5V TTL/RS-422 differential line drivers, 5 V CMOS drivers
Potential free contact, solid-state relay, or opto-isolators
12 V and 24 V signaling voltages are also accepted
The +12 V power supply on the I/O connector(s) can be used for
powering drivers requiring a power supply.
No external resistors are required. However, to obtain the best noise
immunity with 12 V and 24 V signaling, it is recommended to insert a
series resistor in the circuit. The recommended resistor values are: 4.7k
Ohms for 12 V signaling and 10k Ohms for 24 V signaling.
Hardware Manual