8. Service and recalibration
Blood pressure gauges must be calibrated and marked CE when they are put on
the market.
We recommend for the doctor’s and the patient’s security that the instrument be
checked and recalibrated at least every 2 years either by the manufacturer or by
an authorised workshop.
The date of manufacture is shown by the first two numbers of the serial number.
Instruments which deviate from zero position in the range of 0 - 4 mmHg should
be subject to immediate recalibration. Instruments without seal ( for example
after a repair ) are considered as uncalibrated and have to be recalibrated.
We emphasize that only original ERKA. parts should be used for any spare or
repair. A combination or attachment of ERKA. products with other makes is not
We trust that working with your ERKA. blood pressure gauge will always meet
with your satisfaction.