Operation 3. TEACH/T1 Mode
RC700-A option TP3 Rev.8
3.6 Direct Teach
Executing the direct teaching with improper settings of the Force Sensor,
coordinate transformation, and gravity compensation may result in unintended
motion. Be careful when configuring the settings and check operation before
executing the direct teaching.
For details of the setting and operation check, refer to the following manual.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option Force Control 7.0
This function is available when Force Control 7.0 is setup.
For usage of the Force Control 7.0, refer to the following manual.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option Force Control 7.0
Perform direct teaching on [Direct Teach] panel.
To display the [Direct Teach] panel, switch the mode switching key switch to “TEACH/T1”
and tap the [Direct Teach] tab.
The following dialogs can be displayed from icon or sub menu.
[I/O Monitor]
Operation. 2.3.1 I/O Monitor
[3D View]
Operation. 2.3.2 Robot 3D View
[Force Monitor]
Operation 2.3.6 Force Monitor
Operation 2.4.3 Motor
Operation 2.4.4 Reset