Bank bills, coins, government-issued marketable securities, government bond securities, and
municipal securities
Unused postage stamps, pre-stamped postcards, and other official postal items bearing valid
Government-issued revenue stamps, and securities issued according to legal procedure
Exercise caution when copying the following items:
Private marketable securities (stock certificates, negotiable notes, checks, etc.), monthly passes,
concession tickets, etc.
Passports, driver’s licenses, warrants of fitness, road passes, food stamps, tickets, etc.
Copying these items may also be prohibited by law.
Responsible use of copyrighted materials
Scanners can be misused by improperly copying copyrighted materials. Unless acting on the advice of
a knowledgeable attorney, be responsible and respectful by obtaining the permission of the copyright
holder before copying published material.
Perfection V600 Photo User’s Guide
Safety Instructions