EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for TM series
Printer Driver
User’s Manual
15) When using the printer driver for EPSON Terminal Printers (Page printer, ink-jet printer and others ) and TM printer driver
at the same time, the installation and uninstallation goes by the following order:
1. EPSON Terminal Printer driver
2. TM printer driver
1. TM printer driver
2. EPSON Terminal Printer driver
Furthermore, after installation pay attention to the following:
-When installing the EPSON Terminal Printer driver after the TM printer driver is installed, uninstall first the TM printer
-When EPSON Printer Port is unwanted, make BIOS LPT setting other than ECP mode.
-When uninstalling the EPSON Printer Port after the TM printer driver is installed, uninstall first the TM printer driver.
16) Setting the port of TM-T88IIR, the flow control supports only Xon/Xoff.
17) For printer TM-J8000, using font FontA11[OCR] only “SP+,-0123456789<>”.
18) For printer TM-T88II/T88IIR/T88III/H5000II /J8000, using font FontA**/FontB**, FEH [ ] is printed for printing
character code 81H, 82H, 84H ~ 9FH.
19) After the Plug&Play request screen ends under Windows2000/XP, “EPSON TM-P2.01” is added to the “Other device” of
the device manager. Don't execute “Uninstall” and “Update driver...” of this device.
20) Though sometimes the paper size displayed in property is not contained in the paper sizes that are listed in Appendix A of
this manual, please use a paper size that is described in User's manual.
22) TM printers other than the following printer must be set to "Receive buffer full" for the BUSY condition with the DIP switch.
However, the following printer can be set automatically with BiOpenMonPrinter:
TM-T90, TM-L90, TM-J2000/2100, TM-J7000/7100
23) When printing graphic data with TM-T90 (firmware version 1.03 or before) or TM-L90 (firmware version 1.00), white lines
might occur in printing due to a printing stop. In this case, it is possible to reduce the frequency of this problem with the
following corrections.
In the [RASTER_LINE_MAX] section of the file Tmctr1.ini,
Change TM-T90=246 to TM-T90=738
Change TM-L90=246 to TM-L90=738
For Windows95/98, Tmctr1.ini is in the OS system folder and for WindowsNT4.0/2000/XP,
it is in System32\Spool\Prtprocs\W32x86 in the system folder.
When this change is executed, the printer might stop for a few seconds when starting printing and during printing. This is due
to waiting for data transmission
24) Graphics printing with the special function cannot be aligned at the center or right.
25) Separator page in the printer’s “Properties” dialog is not supported.
26) When using the TM-T90 with the serial interface, select hardware control as the flow control.