EPSON Advanced Printer Driver for TM series
Printer Driver
User’s Manual
5. Printing Bar Codes
In this driver, a printer font for printing bar codes is also provided. For the bar code fonts that can be specified by each driver,
see Appendix A. Select the printer font corresponding to the bar code type to be printed, then simply enter the code to print
bar code. However, no bar code image is displayed in the application’s editing screen. Input codes are displayed in text
format. Printing of bar codes with HRI characters included can also be done. Please refer to the chapter on special functions
concerning this method.
5.1. List of Bar Codes
Printer Font Name
Codabar 20/40/60/80
Code39 20/40/60/80
JAN13[EAN] 20/40/60/80
JAN8[EAN] 20/40/60/80
ITF 20/40/60/80
UPC-A 20/40/60/80
UPC-E 20/40/60/80
Code93 20/40/60/80
Code128 20/40/60/80
5.2. Cautions on Printing Bar Code
1. When choosing printer font Code128, the code set selection character (which is “{A", “{B", “{C") must be always
specified at the head of the text.
For example, specify “{B1234", when printing letter “1234".
2. When choosing printer fonts Code93, Code128 from the program of VC and VB, and printing them,
char 00h-1Fh cannot be printed, used A0h-BFh instead.
For example, when printing control character 'CR' (code 0Dh) in Code93, the output code is as follows.
(1D 6B 48 01 AD)