6. Commissioning
At the first commissioning of the M-Sens WR3 it is necessary to calibrate the sensor.
Please consider:
Correct connection between sensor, optional C1-box and MSE 300.
Correct installation of the sensor in respect to the wall thickness.
In case of negative results in spite of consideration of the points as stated above, please contact
ENVEA Process.
Commissioning of the M-Sens WR3
After the delivery the sensor is
not calibrated to the product(s),
so each calibration and
parameterization has to be executed during the commissioning. Therefore it is necessary to
assign the measured moisture to the desired display and to the initial value. The menu functions
are very self-explanatory. In the following a short introduction to the menu overview:
Menu are accessible via PC software or the touch screen (fieldhousing unit only) – See Operator Interface
For the measurement using the sensor, at least 2 measuring points should be calibrated
as a reference point and the corresponding moisture value should be entered.
To do this, the reference point measurement is started in the calibration. After
the measurement, the analysis device expects the input of the moisture content
determined in the lab. While the material is conveyed (in the loading state), the
2nd point is set to a known moisture value and the calibration is also carried out. If
only one material moisture value is available, then minor moisture fluctuations and
corresponding fluctuations in the moisture values determined in the lab can be used
to save at least 2 calibration points.
For the adjustment of user requirements with regard to material, measuring units
etc. the user can select operation modes “None”, “Min”, ”Max” in the menu Alarms
(3.1). A shortfall or exceeding of an adjustable measuring value can be output via the
alarm relay as “open” or “close” (3.5).
In menu Sensor Alarm (3.6), the user can select “OFF” “ERR” or “Proc”. by choosing
“ERR”, alarm will be on in case of sensor error, by selecting “PROC”, alarm will be on
in case of fatal sensor errors/failure and process indicators.
is modified in menu 4 and can be adjusted to user requirements here
(e. g. 0 ... 20 mA). The setting of the minimum and maximum output current can be
setup on 4.1 and 4.2. The alarm value can be defined on 4.3 and alarm type on 4.4.
The exact calibration of the 4 mA and 20 mA value are done via menu 4.5, 4.6, 4.7,
4.8 and 4.9. This operation require the use of a calibrated multimeter.
The measuring range filter makes it possible to adapt to slower recording devices or
continuous output at the analog output (power output).
The measurement can be checked for linearity based on varying moisture values.
To improve accuracy, these should be determined respectively. In case of deviations,
the non-linearity can be corrected through a table of support points. Based on the
points that are selected and specified in menus 2.4.1 etc. (a minimum of 2 during first
commissioning), a correction value can now be entered for the actual moisture value.
(This value can be changed later.) A maximum of 5 support points are available.
After changes are made, they can be saved using the menu item program device.
The change is carried out once Overwrite calibration is confirmed.
Is only used when the distance between sensor and analysis unit exceeds 2 m.
Is only used when 2 or 3 sensors are connected.