Installation in a bin
Another installation alternative is to mount a sensor at a bins outlet. Due to constant bulk
density in case of a filled bin, the sensor finds an almost unchanging measuring field for
monitoring the residual moisture. Thus, M-Sens WR3 avoids that too damp material reaches
the next production level or arrives into the loading.
Control of dryer by means of moisture measurement
After the material, lying on the belt, has passed through the dryer tunnel, it gets withdrawn
from the hot air zone. At the end of the belt the dried material falls in a screw conveyor
which transports it to the processing.
The operator queries the following points: Has the material reached really the desired
residual moisture value? That is, has he chosen the right cycle time and temperature?
M-Sens WR3 provides accurate and reliable online moisture values for the process control,
by which constant moisture in close tolerances of the output material can be met.
This process optimization enables the operator to manage high savings and quality
Belt dryer
Drying area
Granulating machine
dried product
Cooling area