Commands and functions
272 of 349
The output of the eibparser
Compact mode
Transfer of occupied unit elements
across lines
The eibparser already displays the configuration in the Messages window:
====== Seite: 01/Demo ======
mchart (1) mpshifter (2)
| | o o
| | o o
| | o o
In this case, a cross-bar ("-") means that the element to the right occupies this "place", i.e. this unit
size, a vertical bar "|" means that the element above occupies this place. A round circle is an empty
element (none) generated automatically or by the user. In Figure 12 the automatic generated free
spaces are shown in blue. This output thus clearly illustrates the user's visualization of the structure
as it is displayed by the web server. Compare the above output of the eibparser with Figure 12.
If you now want to use the free space to the right of the diagram, the configuration has to be
changed. e.g.: one would like to set additional multibuttons beside the graphics (Figure 13).
page(1) [$Demo$,$Compact$]
// the next command is default
mpchart(1) [DOUBLE, SXY]($Description1$,LINE) mpshifter(2) [$Basement$,$OG$][WEATHER, ICE, NIGHT, CLOCK]
mpshifter(3) [$Keller$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
mpshifter(4) [$Keller$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
mpshifter(5) [$Keller$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
The first line is as before. Now the clearances of Figure 12 can be used when working in Compact
mode. In Compact mode, the elements are not arranged in rows at different heights. Since the line
mpchart(1) [DOUBLE, SXY]($Description1$,LINE) mpshifter(2) [$Basement$,$OG$][WEATHER, ICE, NIGHT, CLOCK]
configures a mpchart with a double-width and four-fold height, its display projects down into three
further lines.
In the lines
mpshifter(3) [$Basement$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
mpshifter(4) [$Basement$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
mpshifter(5) [$Basement$,$OG$][PLUS, TEMPERATURE, Minus] $Multi$
elements with double width and simple height are installed. Through the first element two additional
unit elements in the line are already "invisible". The eibparser already outputs this line overflow by
issuing the "-" or "|" characters: aus:
====== Seite: 01/Demo ======
mchart (1) mpshifter (2)
| | mpshifter (3)
| | mpshifter (4)
| | mpshifter (5)
See Figure 13, which is now output by the web server:
Figure 13: Compact mode
The compact (ON) statement can be used to enable the placement of elements of different heights
next to each other. The web server itself calculates the heights overflow in the next line. The user
may not place any
elemente elements here, if the width is not to be increased. Figure 14
shows again schematically the arrangement of the elements, as is already output in the eibparser
HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11
Bayern GmbH - Erlachstraße 13 - 91301 Forchheim - [email protected]